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Merck Centricon™ Plus-70 Centrifugal Filters

15 mL to 70 mL volume

Brand:  Merck UFC703008

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Product Code. 10042002

  • 5035.00 SEK / Pack of 8
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The Centricon™ Plus-70 centrifugal filter is a disposable, single-use device designed for rapid processing of aqueous biological solutions in volumes ranging from 15 to 70 mL. It is compatible with swinging-bucket centrifuges only. The Centricon Plus-70 device can concentrate most 70 mL solutions down to 350 μL in just 25 minutes (some solutions may take slightly longer).•90% typical recovery •50X to 200X concentration •Low hold-up volume •Polypropylene housing minimizes binding •Deadstop prevents spinning to dryness •Ready to use. Nothing to assemble Applications:•Concentrating and desalting chromatography column eluates •Concentrating monoclonal antibodies •Concentrating proteins or viruses from culture supernatants •Clarifying tissue homogenates and cell lysates •Buffer exchange or diafiltration




30 kDa
Concentrating and desalting chromatography column eluates; Concentrating monoclonal antibodies; Concentrating proteins or viruses from culture supernatants; Clarifying tissue homogenates and cell lysates; Buffer exchange or diafiltration
Polypropylene filtrate collection cup; sample filter cup; concentrate/retentate cup and cap
15 to 70 mL
Regenerated Cellulose (RC)
Centrifugal Filters
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